
How Much UVB Does My Reptile Need?
A quick list of the correct UVB % bulbs for the most commonly kept reptiles

A Word About Impaction In Reptiles
A word about impaction in reptiles and a short case study example explaining why often cases of impaction can be mistaken for vitamin deficiency

Wild Treats for Bearded Dragons, Tortoises and Other Vegetation-Loving Lizards
This weeks Tip of the Week is a quick note about feeding dandelion flowers as a great treat for reptiles such as tortoises and bearded dragons

Feeding Tortoises
What to feed the most commonly kept species of pet tortoise, information comparing salad leaves and wild plants and weeds as well as answers to the most common questions

A Guide to Successfully Hibernating Your Tortoise in the UK
Step by step guide to hibernating the most commonly kept tortoises in the UK - Herman's, Horsfields & Spur-thighs.

Care Sheet for Indian Star Tortoises: an informative guide regarding hatching, feeding and habitat & housing requirements for Indian Star Tortoises written by a breeder